34 Sentences That Make You Feel

34 sentences that make you feel

Our feelings arise from the subjective reactions that arise in each of us. Reactions vary as everyone perceives things differently. Because everyone’s personal experiences are different, each reaction can also be influenced in different ways.

Our feelings conform to everything that happens around us. Our feelings are states that we experience unexpectedly in times of both crisis and peace and are more or less fleeting.

When a person experiences a feeling, it is often accompanied by thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that help us put that situation into its own worth. This value is influenced by our own attitude.

There has been a time when our emotions were not considered important and the rational part of our minds were considered more meaningful. Now, however, we know that each of our feelings serves as a personal map that helps us know how we should behave and also understand both ourselves and the people around us.

Thanks to our feelings , we are able to differentiate our wants and needs. They help us sense another person’s future behavior even when nothing has happened yet.

Thanks to psychology and other disciplines related to the human psyche, we gradually gain the reassurance that our emotions form the actual treasure chamber in our lives. They enable us to look at the world the way we have always wanted to look at it: authentically.

Emotional intelligence is another thing that helps us interpret ourselves and thus also understand others. It makes it easier to develop our own hidden potential and it also allows us to learn to share our lives in a healthier way with the people we truly care about. It serves as a dictionary of our feelings.

We need to remember the importance of our feelings every day in order to be able to open our hearts and feel fully alive. To help you, we have collected excerpts from the Poetic Action movement. It is a phenomenon where people write sensitive sentences in prominent places around the world to create emotions.

That movement began in 1996 and now millions of people are expressing themselves in this type of street art. Here are 34 quotes that are sure to make you feel:

  1. I love you! But it’s not such a bad thing, it only lasts forever.
  2. You are not worth the effort, you are worth everything.
  3. What if we hugged for no reason?
  4. Tell me where, and we’ll get lost together.
  5. Every time I feel less and remember more.
  6. How wonderfully made of you that you exist.
  7. This is going to be the last time I love you, believe me.
  8. Holding your hand. Letting the world go.
  9. I go to bed early so I can dream of you longer…
  10. I hear you in every song.
  11. You are missing and I have more than enough.
  12. Your smile takes me off arms.
  13. I miss you more than ever, and as always, I don’t have you.
  14. Your memory is a passport to my travels.
  15. I admire everything that is not mine… you for example.
  16. My fears come closer as you go farther.
  17. We walk without searching, but we know we walk to find each other.
  18. Anything as long as it’s with you…
  19. Your skin belongs to the one who caresses it.
  20. The memory ceases to be nostalgia so it can be liberating.
  21. Because without searching, I will find you everywhere, especially when I close my eyes.
  22. The worst thing about love is when it passes by.
  23. When you get tired of all those fleeting loves, give me a call.
  24. We were a short story that I will read millions of times.
  25. Love returned to win.
  26. You were, are and will always be the most beautiful injury.
  27. All life is waiting for us… do not be late.
  28. Some of the rest are happy. Others are necessary.
  29. You broke my heart and every piece still loves you.
  30. Often in life, people forget what they should remember and remember what they should forget.
  31. The only thing I would like to change in you is your place of residence.
  32. I hope your goodbye is full of returns.
  33. I don’t want to come back to see you, I want to see you come back.
  34. I close my eyes to be with you…
* Sigh * So many situations and experiences can make us realize the true value of our feelings and all the incredible goodness they bring us.

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