7 Signs That Your Mind Is Not Completely Right

7 signs that your mind is not completely okay

In reality, we cannot speak of a normal or abnormal mind.  If, even if you think about it, in a certain place and time, something that is considered “normal” may be considered pathological in another place and time. The human mind and behavior manifest in many different ways, and unusual behavior of the mind does not necessarily mean that something is wrong.

But nonetheless, it is  good to remember that the mind can also reflect problems and / or become ill. This is the case, for example, when someone develops for themselves thoughts and behaviors that systematically harm themselves or others, or when they have serious difficulties in distinguishing fantasy from reality.

The biggest difficulty with people with psychological problems is that they don’t always know they’re suffering from any problems. In general, this is about a reverse relationship: the worse a person has problems, the less he is aware of them. This is because the origin of the problem is found in the mind, and this same mind is also the one who evaluates the problem.

Therefore, it is really important to pay attention to the symptoms. Symptoms are often defined as different characteristics or behavioral characteristics. However, these are not definitive, but they may indicate the existence of some mental health problem. In this article, we talk about seven different mental health problems.

Perception and mental problems

Perception is the ability to experience the world through the senses: hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell. A properly functioning mind is able to perceive colors, smells, shapes, etc., as they really are. With a small margin, of course. Our observation system is an expert in doing tricks, but that doesn’t mean we’d be happy to have a serious problem. To determine the edge of the matter, in assessing whether those “tricks” affect our lives, there is one clue: do they cause problems and to what extent?

flowers and plants on the farm

Sometimes our mind notices something that wasn’t really there. We see or hear something non-existent. It is perceived as if it were a real event, even if it is not. This is common, for example, when we are alone or in an old house: in situations like this, our minds reinforce the intensities of stimuli. This becomes a problem when this becomes ongoing or when the worries generated from it grow gigantic.

Organizing your thoughts

It is understandable that we all have moments and stages of being scattered. We move from one topic to another, from one activity to another without any order. Stress can make this chaos even more chaotic. That is, the result is just more stress.

This causes problems when the mind becomes fragmented and happens almost constantly.  This kind of fragmentation refers to the inability to follow the flow of thoughts or conversation, from moving from one thought to another without any connection between the two.

Limiting your thoughts

Restricting thoughts refers to a restless mind when it has certain characteristics. The most notorious of them is clinging to something. Inflexible and strong beliefs in the person themselves are a problem. But even when they are detached from reality, they can become a source of intense anxiety.

One thing is that someone may have some absurd beliefs, but it’s about whether they can control it. However, it does not cause them strong or ongoing problems. In this case, we can talk about intolerance. But if that rigid belief produces tremendous anxiety, it’s the next level of problem.

State of consciousness

In our daily lives, many things escape our consciousness. This is typical of the “normal” mind. This happens, for example, when we get up to do something, and in a moment we completely forget what we were doing.

the man's head moves into part

If such breaks in consciousness occur frequently, or occur on some significant occasion, we could talk about problems with the mind. If someone does something but then forgets why, how and what they did, we have good reason to suspect the problem.

Mind and attention

Problems with attention are related to a lack or concentration of concentration. When there is a lack of concentration, the mind adventures from side to side aimlessly. The person is unable to follow instructions, for example, step by step.

And on the other hand, in the  case of excessive concentration, the person loses his peripheral attention. This means that he is unable to connect with his environment  at the same time as he focuses on something. But for this to be a mental health problem, these symptoms must be severe and last longer than the deadline for diagnosis criteria.

Memory and identification

Memory and recognition disorders can be caused by several factors. They can be caused by stress, fatigue, or excessive stimuli. Human memory is not terribly different from computer memory. For example, our emotions have a big impact with how deep we record facts and events.

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What some call memory impairments in certain significant situations are memory outages, partial or complete memory loss, are a sign that something is wrong. Often, forgetfulness or an inability to remember situations in which a person has been involved are valid reasons to suspect a problem.

Language and mind

Language is the most important tool of thought. Clear language means clear mind. And whenever there are problems with the mind, it produces vague, confusing, and irrelevant language.

Language may also include other forms of expression that are not necessarily verbal, such as volume or the use of gestures. Someone who is unable to keep their gaze or produce excessive movements while speaking may also have problems. Remember that in this case, as with the other symptoms mentioned, it is necessary to allow professionals to perform a final assessment.

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