A Simple Technique To Relieve Stress: Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Of all the different strategies used to reduce the physical impact of stress, Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique is the most effective. If we practice it regularly, it can be a good tool to relieve muscle tension progressively.
Something interesting about this technology that Edmund Jacobson created in 1920 is that once we learn it, it immediately turns into a great resource that we can carry with us in our pockets. It becomes a tool that we can use at any moment when we need reassurance in stressful situations.
Ordinary situations such as exams, conferences, or job interviews are situations that almost always cause our brains to send out alarm signals. These signals cause muscle tension, abdominal pain, tremors, dry mouth, and intrusive thoughts that rob us of our strength and effectiveness, just when we should be performing a task.
Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation allows us to focus all our attention on a series of muscle exercises so that little by little our tension is relieved. On top of all that, this helps us alleviate distracting thoughts, which in turn produce a feeling of helplessness and discomfort.
Next, we will explain to you how to use this in our daily lives.
Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation and its relationship to therapy
We have all suffered from temporary stress. Or maybe we’ve had to experience constant and persistent anxiety. The good news is that you can get rid of that anxiety. But on the other hand, the bad news is that you have to use this technology constantly. Before we get started, let us give you three points that you should keep in mind.
- People who suffer from intense stress are characterized by an overactive mind.
- Thoughts cannot always be controlled, and as a result, our behavior cannot always be controlled either.
- Little by little, even without realizing it, we move into a vicious spiral characterized by physical and mental exhaustion, emotional barriers, mood swings, anxiety, and an inability to solve problems.
Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique as a strategy “before treatment”
Let’s look at the following example to understand the benefits of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation. Mikko is a neurologist, an excellent professional in his field, who suffers from panic attacks every time he goes to meetings, seminars or conferences where he has to speak in public.
The therapist he visits has taught Mikko to put Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique into practice in order to face that crippling fear, as well as the extremely emotional situations in which he feels completely blocked.
Then, once the person has managed to achieve a reasonable level of calm, the patient’s psychological therapy can begin, in order to teach them proper strategies for dealing with fear, personal safety, and speaking.
That is, as we can deduce, the strategy created by Edmund Jacobson allows us to achieve mental calm through muscle relaxation. Then once we are able to achieve that inner balance, it is time to rebuild our thoughts, change our focus, and alleviate our fears.
How to perform Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation?
In addition to being an excellent strategy to channel our fears and relieve stress, Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation has several benefits to our health: It lowers blood pressure, promotes deeper and more refreshing sleep, and prevents seizures in people with epilepsy.
However, there is one thing we need to be aware of: this technique requires a few practice sessions before we can benefit from it. The longer we practice it, the faster and much more effective we will achieve its effects each time. Next, we will explain how to perform this exercise.
Order of relaxation
The first thing you need to do is find a comfortable position, remove the shoes from your foot and make sure your clothes are not too tight. Put your hands on your knees, and start this simple sequence of relaxation.
- Hands. Put your hand in a tight fist until you feel excitement. Hold them in your fist for about 10 seconds, and little by little, release one finger at a time for hours as they relax.
- Shoulders. Slowly shrug your shoulders, toward your ears, until you feel excitement. Hold that position for 5 seconds, and release so that you feel them relax. Perform this 5 times.
- Neck. Next, lower your chin towards your chest, for a few seconds. Then Relax.
- Mouth. Then open your mouth, push your tongue out as far as you can, and hold it in that position for 10 seconds. Relax. Then, instead of pushing your tongue out, lift it to the palate until you feel excited. Relax.
- Respiratory. We continue to relax with a few simple breathing exercises. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 6 seconds, and exhale for 7 seconds. Really simple.
- Back. When your shoulders rest comfortably against the chair, move your body forward only enough for your back to bend. Hold that position for 10 seconds, and then relax.
- Foots. We end the series by focusing on our feet. Stretch your toes, as if standing on your toes. Notice the tension, and hold that position again for 10 seconds. Then release, and feel your relaxation.
This simple set needs to be practiced daily. Find yourself a time and place where you can be at peace and alone, as this promotes proper muscle relaxation that combines with your mind soothing and relaxing it. This exercise will also help us be aware of the present and our current needs. This is how progressive muscle relaxation can work. This will be our best strategy in fighting any stressful situation.