Actions Define Us, Not Words

Actions determine us, not words

You may sometimes be surprised or shocked by the actions or behavior of others. If we feel betrayed or disappointed, it can be a hard blow.

When someone betrays your trust or hurts, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the exact reason or reasons why someone else’s behavior or words have hurt so deeply. We may blame ourselves for not seeing that their true intentions were hidden behind their beautiful words.

The truth is that a large percentage of people are completely unaware of the consequences of their actions and words. Sometimes we promise to be empty without any intention of doing what we say. We may not even see the absurdity of our actions ourselves or stop to think about the truthfulness of our words.

The girl thinks about her actions

We are not defined by what we say, but by what we do

We have to be careful with our words. The old Spanish saying goes “a fish dies through its mouth,” which means that words can have a serious, lasting effect. After all, we don’t want to end up dead like an eagle fish. We have to understand that we have the freedom to gut our mouths at anything, but we have to keep in mind what we really feel and if we promise something, are we really going to do it. Honesty is important.

It is, in fact, a good thing that we are not defined by our words, because words are easy to form, but they can be completely empty and meaningless. However, words can have a big impact on others. In any case, our actions speak for us more than words.

The world would probably be a boring place if we were all perfect and always did everything perfectly. But we need to find the golden mean. We need to be able to act in a way that balances deliberate and spontaneous action. We should always strive to be as honest and consistent as possible and be careful not to cause harm to others.

The deeds remain hidden when the eyes are covered

Don’t be afraid of the unknown

Sometimes we want to form an image of ourselves and others that may bully and harass us.  People and their actions are not black and white, but a mixture of many different colors. People are capricious and can behave differently in different situations.

Sometimes we behave unnecessarily harshly when judging others. This can lead to us being disappointed easily and quickly when people don’t respond to our delusions. Analyzing and judging others is easy, but translating criticism toward oneself can be more difficult. We consider our own mistakes to be less important than those of others.

The answer to this problem is found when we separate ourselves from all the expectation through which we punish ourselves when we hope and expect people to do things they never do. It’s likely we don’t even know exactly what we expect from others and just assume everyone thinks the same way we do.

A woman blows the clock hands and numbers off

Man is an impulsive creature…

It’s not easy to be consistent when we’re exposed to emotional ripples every moment. Emotions can affect us strongly and change our behavior quickly. Angry, sad and happy, we face the very same situation in a completely different way.

We need to decide to stop misleading ourselves and work to ensure that emotions don’t just take over and affect us in our worst moments. When angry or sad, one can easily make bad decisions and dispel one’s bad feelings for others.

Do not define yourself based on your words, but according to your actions. Evaluate each situation as a whole, focus on the big picture, don’t get caught up in the details. Understand the perspectives of others and respect them. Don’t let yourself be disappointed so easily, don’t let yourself or others disappoint your expectations by setting impossible goals.

Don’t punish yourself or feel guilty in vain, but avoid lying and exaggerating. Don’t betray others ’trust or take advantage of them. There are two different things to make mistakes – we are all just people – and to deceive the other on purpose. Such a trait should not be accepted in itself or in others.

The best way to protect and heal ourselves from these bad experiences is to separate ourselves from the assumptions and ideals and expectations we have created ourselves. Nobody’s perfect.

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