Are You Active Or Reactive?
Are you active or reactive? It is possible that you have never considered these concepts, even though they are particularly relevant to the job. These traits tend to influence what kind of career choices we make, and therefore we are going to explain this in a little more detail.
You definitely have a friend or acquaintance who can always move forward, making big leaps in the workplace or other areas of life. He is constantly looking for opportunities and challenges that will push him toward success. You probably also know someone who is stuck at work. He has no special efforts. This is the primary difference between an active and a reactive person.
Active people take the initiative
Are you still unsure whether you are active or reactive? First, you should analyze whether or not you take the initiative.
The initiative has to do with one skill that is highly valued in the workplace: proactivity. You can read more about proactivity in the article Managing the Perks and Pitfalls of Proactive People in Harvard Business Review magazine .
When you take the initiative, you take certain actions that make you the recipient of the mentor instead of the recipient. For example, instead of waiting to find a job, you contact companies directly that interest you. You can do this, for example, by sending emails to these companies.
This is a great way to tell if you are active or reactive. Active people don’t usually wait. They are not afraid to take the reins, they try new things and they move forward. They try and make mistakes, instead of expecting things to happen on their own.
If you are an active person, you will not let a closed door, the word “no” or failure stop you. You are proactive and keep trying. This tactic opens new doors. Even if this does not work immediately, it will help in the long run.
The reactive person is waiting for the results
Now you should have a better understanding of the difference between activity and reactivity. If you did not identify yourself from the first description, you may identify yourself from the next. What does it mean to be a reactive person?
First, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not dedicated to your work. Maybe you do a lot of work, but you always get the same results. You are a wall decoration that no one notices. Why? Because you haven’t told anyone about your existence. You might even hide your skills, just as if you were ashamed of them.
Sometimes you may feel comfortable being reactive. Sometimes again, you wish you were more active, but you don’t know how this could happen.
Reactivity means that progress is difficult. You think it’s easier to stay in the comfort zone.
The two sides of reactivity
It is your own decision whether you want to be an active or reactive person, and your own results and success will depend on this choice. If you are a reactive person, you can be happy with a routine that doesn’t change. But if you want something more, this attitude can become harmful.
What happens when you expect things to happen by themselves? Well, you’re sure to feel frustrated, and you’re sure to complain about your bad luck. As we mentioned earlier, this is happening because you would like to be proactive, but you don’t know where to start.
If you tend to be a reactionary person, functionality can make you feel uncomfortable. However, this is not a bad thing. That means you are flexible enough to act when you have a need.
Are you more active or reactive? It is important to remember that one is not better than the other. They are simply different intensities that will put you on different paths. The great thing is that you can always choose the one that works best for you.