Are You Willing To Take Risks To Find Happiness?
Have you ever compared the good news you heard on TV to the bad news you heard? Have you ever noticed which news topics you hear on the radio first? There are so many positive events around us that are not even mentioned in the news. Not only evil happens in the world, but a lot of good things happen in the world too! Keep reading to find out what this article has to do with finding happiness.
We spend our day in the midst of negative news. Newspapers are plagued by deaths, murders, accidents and fraud. The world continues to grow; science and technology are evolving at a tremendous pace. And yet we forget to cherish the most important thing in the world – the people.
The trees continue to grow. Thousands of children are born every day. Every day people help each other. And others come up with new things to make our lives easier. But trees that fall make more noise than trees that grow.
I believe there are still good people in the world. I still believe in benevolent people. I believe in people who can give without wanting anything in return. I believe in people who teach, grow, and want a better world, and I believe in those who try hard and keep moving forward. But unfortunately, these people get no or very little space in the media.
We have had enough of the risk factors for pathogens, the risk factors for not being able to continue our lives, and the risk factors for our health. So where are the risk factors for happiness? Keep reading and find my risk factor to continue our growth in happiness. Risks that, if we take them, allow us to enter a “dangerous” world of pleasure.
The “risk factors” of happiness
Be wary of the “risk,” of showing gratitude to others, as well as gratitude for what you have. Be wary of the feeling of happiness that you are surrounded by people who love you. If you thank someone, you have to “take that risk,” that you get a smile – a friendly gesture from people that makes you feel much better.
Another “risk” is that we stop, listen, observe, and are aware of what our senses tell us every moment and every day. Always be aware of what is happening so you can remember and enjoy it. This can motivate us to live the reality before us, rather than living the things we fear and anticipate. This is an opportunity to be in harmony with our inner self and to feel connected to it.
If we want to grow hard, and if we strive to achieve things that move us and fill us, then we take the “risk” of falling head first toward happiness. We must constantly strive to do better and keep moving forward. When you get up in the morning, start your day with a smile, despite all the fatigue! This way, you will make great memories for yourself, and most importantly, a lot of laughter.
Be careful when helping others, trying to see something positive in everything, and don’t stop looking for new ways and alternative solutions. Offer others your love. Organize your day so that you have time to work, so that you have free time, and so that you have time just for yourself. Dare to smile, whatever your situation. Then you can love your own company more and more.
Plant the seed and see when it grows
We will continue to sow in our land so that it does not die. We will always experience losses, and we must mourn them, but this must not discourage us, but we must continue to sow the seeds so that the trees can grow. Whenever someone dies, somewhere else in the world, another life begins. This life deserves as much attention as the people we cry for.
While it sometimes seems like there is more death around than growth around, we know it is in our hands to help others grow and prosper. While we are surrounded by negative news, we continue to look for positive things and continue to look for life in everything that still lives. It’s there if we’re really looking. And if we find it, our eyes will open to a life of “dangerous happiness”.
If we look closely at what life has to offer us, we can see that there are risks to be taken. If we take those risks, we take the “risk of infecting” others and ourselves with our happiness. Are you willing to take these risks to be happy?