Confident Children Are Happy Children

Happiness for a child is not that he has a large number of toys or that he gets everything he wants. Happiness is contentment, self-esteem, and healthy love for oneself. Therefore, happy children are more confident, they are happier and they are more kind to others.
Confident children are happy children

Confident children are happy children because they have learned to communicate what they feel and what they want. As they grow within their own limits of hours, they can develop their social performance. 

Despite the fact that some people are excellent in human relationships, their social competence is not innate. Parents, and also other adults who come into contact with children, keep in mind that they are role models for these. They are examples that children follow in order to develop healthy social skills for themselves. However, we can say with some certainty that we do not always succeed in providing children with the models they need.

Yes, we want them to succeed in life, we want to get them into the best possible schools. We pay for all kinds of activities that meet their schedule. These include, for example, a sport, music and language learning.

In addition to this, we liaise with their teachers to make sure they behave well in school. We take care of them and tell them what kind of people they are allowed to deal with. We pay attention to everything they do, including the use of technology, such as watching TV and using electronic devices.

Isn’t that enough, then, to raise children to be confident?

Yes, as a parent you do your best. But are you just as proud of your emotional intelligence? What about social skills? We only ask because many take these for granted. Things like self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image are part of our genetic code. But they also change as we grow.

These are traits that should be cherished on a daily basis. Requires sensitive, intuitive, and strong guidance to raise children so that they acquire skills for every area of ​​life. Skills that bring them happiness and psychological well-being. Let’s dig deeper next into this essential value: self-confidence.

Confident children: how are they raised as such?

child and colors

To grow your child to be confident, you need to have patience and sensitivity. Often parents and even educators say there are two types of girls and boys:

  • Those who argue all the time. Those who are frustrated all the time and who grumble because they assume that everyone is against them, because they are not allowed to do what they want when they want.
  • Then there are those who are withdrawn and passive. Those who never express their feelings. They also rarely complain. Such children are easy targets for bullies. Their lack of self-confidence often leads to two different extremes: passivity or aggression. Unfortunately, neither of these leads to good consequences.

So in order to raise confident children, you need to invest in their happiness. This is the subject of many studies, such as that of Gertrude E. Chittenden, a study published in the Child Development Research Community. Here, the creation of a respectful society is explored and assisted.

Teach children about the world and show them their limits

To raise confident children, you need to instill the following idea in them from an early age: the world is full of borders and they must be respected. Raising a child is not just about telling what is good and what is bad. It contains more than just morality. There are such things as courtesy, respect for all beings, and the need to adapt to social contexts to enable coexistence.

The world is full of physical, emotional and financial constraints. For example, we should not spend money on things we don’t need.

What is self-confidence?

Children understand more than we think. Before they even speak fluently, they understand much more than what they express. Therefore, it is never too early to teach them the following principles:

  • “I can fearlessly express what I feel, but respectfully.”
  • “Dad and Mom don’t punish me for my words. They are my safety, and I can express myself freely with them. On top of that, I can tell them about my negative feelings: what scares me, what makes me angry, and what worries me. ”
  • “I have to listen to what others are telling me, and I have to do it respectfully.”
  • “I realize I can’t always get what I want. Little by little, I learned to be patient and tolerate frustration. ”

Confident children need role models

confident children are happy

Another essential thing is that you cannot ask your children to follow rules that you do not follow yourself. So if you talk to your partner aggressively and disrespectfully, your child will imitate your own communication style.

If you want to raise confident and happy children, you have to be more than a role model. You also need to be their daily source of inspiration.

Set responsibilities for them, but also respect their choices and give them privacy

At a certain point, children of different ages begin to demand their own space and privacy. This is something that parents should respect. This way you will gain their trust and they will dare to share things with you.

The next way to increase children’s self-confidence is to give them responsibilities that are appropriate for their age. This increases their sense of competence and self-worth.

Emotional intelligence and self-confidence

confident children show their feelings

Last but not least, parents and teachers should establish emotional intelligence in children. It helps them manage their feelings and impulses, and improve their social skills. Emotional communication is a fundamental part of daily life.

As you can see, there are many concepts and values ​​that children need to be taught. This opens up a whole new world for them, and little by little they can become more confident. This is a journey that will last forever. They’re going to have bad and good moments on this trip, so be patient. And most importantly, be present. Be the kind of observer who knows when to be involved in a child’s life. 

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