Dancing Helps With Anxiety

Dancing helps with anxiety

Exercise improves our mental well-being. By mobilizing our bodies, our brains secrete serotonin – a hormone that is directly related to our mood and endorphins (chemicals that promote a sense of satisfaction). Therefore, Dancing helps with anxiety, stress and sadness.

Not everyone is willing to play sports. Some find it boring, others too laborious and others just don’t find enough motivation to train. For them, dancing is a good option. According to some studies, it helps people manage anxiety and relieve the physical tension associated with a negative state of mind.

For many people, it’s a kind of relief, a great way to express themselves and escape. It’s fun, but also challenging. Therefore, Dancing is ideal for those who seek to deceive themselves by doing something positive. Because it’s so multidisciplinary and fun, it also encourages creativity!

According to many studies, the body has a great effect on the mind. Because our bodies move as we dance, we can say that Dancing helps with anxiety as well as controlling other negative emotions that can hurt us. Let’s take a closer look.

woman dancing at sunset

Dancing connects our bodies to our emotions

There are many physical and mental benefits to dancing. Through this activity, we can break away from our emotions through the movements of our body. Our feelings are related to our movements, which leads to natural self-expression.

Of all the dances, some have proven to be more therapeutic than others. For example, studies show that tango is suitable for those diagnosed with depression and Parkinson’s disease.

In addition, Dancing simplifies and calms our thoughts, and it can even make them disappear altogether because we only focus on our movements. Dancing helps to curb anxiety because it makes us forget our negative thoughts and focus on action. According to a study by Peter Lovat, dance helps the brain create new thought pathways and nerve circuits.

The psychological benefits of dancing

Let’s look at the psychological benefits of dancing and how it will help you cope and reduce your anxiety.

1. It helps you connect

This feeling can help you adjust to yourself. It allows you to get to know yourself through your body language. In addition, it makes you feel your feelings on a deeper level. This will allow you to connect with your anxiety and express what leads to good mental control.

group dance lesson

Dancing in groups or with a dance couple can help build relationships with new people.

2. Improve your mood

When you dance, you focus so much on having fun that you forget your fears and worries. For this reason, dancing is especially recommended for those who feel lonely, as well as for those who suffer from anxiety and severe stress.

3. Increase concentration

This is one of the main reasons why our minds move negative thoughts aside as we dance. This activity requires a lot of mental concentration because you have to think carefully about the dance moves you make. Dancing helps to focus on the present.

4. Raise your self-esteem

Dancing is not easy – becoming a professional takes time and effort! This process will help you understand how good you can become somewhere if you just focus on it and work towards it.  All of this will improve your self-esteem. You will definitely become more confident!

In conclusion, Dancing helps to curb anxiety thanks to all its benefits and positive aspects. It makes you feel energetic, it improves your physical performance, helps you focus on the present, and also leaves negative as well as harmful thoughts aside.

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