Different Aspects Of Narcissism

Different aspects of narcissism

We all need a good amount of self-love to know how to value ourselves and how to achieve better self-esteem. Narcissistic people always look really confident when, in reality, deep down,  they feel infinitely insecure. In this article, we highlight the different aspects of narcissism so that we can perceive this trait both in others and in ourselves.

The main characteristic of narcissistic people is that  their egos are so big that it leaves no room for others at all. Such people are usually considered selfish or self-centered. They just try to get others to admire them, and they like emphasizing their own accomplishments so that others will consider them great people.

Narcissistic people feed themselves at the expense of others. If no one admires them or if no one is listening to what they have to say, their powers will run out. At this point at the latest, they have to face the lack of self-esteem they fear. We could say that different aspects of narcissism are like masks that narcissists use to avoid this.

a man walks alone on the beach

Vulnerable narcissists

The first different aspects of narcissism we are going to deal with describe narcissists who put a delicate mask on their faces in front of others. We must not let it deceive us, because behind it lies fear and the tendency to manipulate others.

  • Addicted Narcissists: Their fear of being rejected makes them feel emptiness. They hold the person with them responsible for this feeling. The demands of their emotions increase as the relationship progresses. In addition to this, they also use manipulation techniques to prevent the partner from leaving. They want to be the center of attention, and most of all, they want to be loved.
  • Martyrs pretending to be martyrs:  These people use their suffering to justify their need for support and attention. It is important to note that no one is able to satisfy them completely. Here, the narcissist tries to make others feel tied to him, making them feel guilty for not giving him the support he “needs”.

As we can see, narcissists of this type feel a  great emptiness that they are unable to fill. They resort to manipulation to gain attention or appreciation from others. Such narcissists always seek to build destructive and damaging relationships.

Malicious narcissists

Narcissists like the ones we just explained use vulnerability to get attention. Malicious narcissists, on the other hand, use a variety of techniques. Let us now consider the different types of malevolent narcissists:

the woman screams and has paint on her face
  • Vengeful Narcissists: Their main goal is to use lies and insults  to bring others down and feel superior to others. They don’t like people who shine brighter than them. Therefore, they seek to humiliate and destroy the self-esteem of the people they consider their competitors.
  • Deceptive Narcissists: People like this seem comfortable at first glance, but it’s just a facade. Their kind facial expressions act as weapons with which to get others to like them, just to take advantage of others.
  • Hostile Narcissists: They use words to destroy anyone near them. Everything others say to them is taken as a personal attack. The only way to alleviate their anger is to praise them.
  • Tyrant Narcissists:  They are unable to form relationships with others without trying to control them. Such narcissists think they are above all. They consider everyone around them inferior so much that they see others only as instruments. In addition to this, they try to control others to the point that they become violent.

The other sides of narcissism

There are also narcissists  who pay too much attention to their own image. Social media and people’s repeated narcissistic praise of appearance only lead to an increase in narcissism. In addition to this, they imagine that they can get everything they want with their appearance, such as a job or a spouse.

There are also narcissists who believe that they are so-called. messianic, and just as if they could tell others what to do and how to do it. This strengthens their sense of superiority (or at least reduces their inferiority). They “help” others even when they are not even asked for help. However, they do this only to be able to claim reciprocal service later.

Finally, there are narcissists who lie about their success and achievements. They want others to admire them as much as possible. When the people around them find out these lies, they stop this admiration. At this point, the narcissist leaves this group and joins someone else where they can be impressive again in the eyes of others.

two faces or masks

It is important to know how to identify different aspects of narcissism. While these people suffer from within, they can make others suffer even more. Therefore, it is essential to be careful and learn how to identify narcissists. And the most important thing, of course, would be to identify yourself with this description and want to get rid of it.

In the case of people other than yourself, attempts to get them to change or go to a therapist usually fail. Narcissists will never admit they are wrong because they think they are not making mistakes. Others make mistakes, they don’t. In addition, they like presenting part of the victim and often think, “oh me, everyone is trying to be better than me.”

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