Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Fear, Move It Forward

Don’t be afraid of your fear, move it forward
Feeling fear is  normal. This is because the brains of all living beings react immediately with self-defense when in danger. In other words, in a dangerous situation, the brain instinctively activates the defense system against possible attacks or situations that can cause an imbalance.

The human way to combat fear is the result of a combination of instinctive mechanisms and learning  that has been collected and compiled from a number of situations. From this perspective, it could be said that when you face a threat, an instinctive coping mechanism is activated, but also the learned mental process makes you behave one way or another.

The woman and the bear hug

Reactions to fear vary from person to person. Others behave aggressively, while others stand still and their heads bang while trying (or not trying) to come up with a possible solution to the danger they face. There are also those who are cold-blooded and able to think quickly to avoid or face a threat accurately.

Man has a complex psyche. Fear is not always a reaction to the right danger.  Sometimes it is a reaction to thoughts and fantasies that arise from  traumatic experiences  and gnaw at the mind. They give strength to fears and dangers that do not even exist, but can still be very disruptive and even socially restrictive.

Fear is a force that can be changed

There is a universal truth:  fear can be overcome by confronting it. Very easy to say, but hard to put into practice. In fact, fear is a feeling  that has great power and if you can turn it into an inner force that will allow you to move forward, you will become a safer and freer person.

When you encounter a situation that creates tension and you have a firm intention to get over it, ask yourself a few questions that can help you with this:  Why did you feel that way? What memories or feelings came to you at that moment? How do you react or where in your body did you feel a hint of it hiding?

The answers will help you define your fear and avoid recurring similar situations. So the  first step is to understand why unrest occurs. In this way, we can identify its causes and roles in the situations we experience. As we become aware of the reasons, we get to judge whether it is a response to a real danger or just an imbalance of imagination in our lives.

What to do when we face fear?


In order to recognize the true nature of your fears, you need to:

  • Stop and surround yourself in a quiet environment where you can reflect on the fears you feel. Try to breathe deeply and calm down so that your subconscious can function better.
  • Above all,  don’t feel guilty about the feeling of fear and remember that it’s just normal and you can beat it little by little.
  • Trust yourself. Remember that this fear also includes a learning experience about yourself and can turn into a great teaching.

Don’t look at fear as an enemy because it is adaptable. In reality, many big mistakes have been made out of fear, but it also accomplishes great accomplishments. He who fears failure sometimes sees a little more effort. He who fears losing his freedom may face enormous risks in order to preserve it.

This is not an easy process at all. It is achievable as great achievements in life are achieved: with perseverance, patience, and step by step. The only decisive factor in the context of fear is that there must be a genuine decision to get over it. There is no other way to achieve this than by making an action plan that makes you feel good enough to look fear in the face.

Learning from fear

If you fight fear irrationally and without understanding its basis, you can probably deal with it immediately and easily. However, you won’t get rid of it with its roots, so it can come back visible at any time. Fear must be thought, it is not good to allow yourself to be caught up in  the outpouring of thoughtless emotional outbursts without its greater awareness of what you are currently doing.

A man wrapped in a sheet

As the saying goes, “ Fear is action and courage is retaliation. “Remember this at times when you feel horrified, immobile, or reluctant to continue according to your own plans. Otherwise, you may regret paying too much attention to your fears, rather than your dreams and desires.

Don’t forget that fear manifests itself physically and mentally. Physically, you will be able to fight it with good breathing technique during crises. It is a procedure that can help you get to know your body better and identify the changes that are taking place in it so that you can better control them.

But this is not enough. You need to talk about it and express your feelings to others, write them down on paper or look at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself about what is happening. These are the ideal resources to find the balance you need. Fear cannot be overcome by hiding from it; so don’t be afraid, move it forward.

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