Every Disappointment Has Its Own Time And Its Own Shoes

Every disappointment has its own time and its own shoes

There is nothing bad that cannot be fixed with time and a good pair of shoes. For disappointments and problems are not remedied simply by waiting around a black hole that will sooner or later end up collapsing.

You relieve pain by walking, turning the side, and taking distance from everyone with the best shoes: self-love.

William Gibson, a well-known author of scientific literature, once said that  time only moves in one direction, forward, but people are often shackled in their memories and past. There is nothing new happening there, there is only silence and missed opportunities.

In a way, this way we  get trapped in our own networks after a spiral of disappointment and bad fate. Our moods, desires, and powers deceive us, even as we ascend every day, passing through each of our days like robots whose hinges have rusted from our tears.

At this point, a person of good will always says,  “No worries, it’s time to heal all the wounds.”

But it’s not as easy as it seems. For wounded people do not move forward. People trapped in rage, bitterness, and resentment are locked into a parallel dimension  that doesn’t matter if months or years pass.

Time itself does not cure anything. But what you do over time has the power to heal. 

girl and tiger

Time of the Gods: Kronos, Cairo, Aion

When a person experiences difficult times, whether it is the loss of a loved one or the separation of roads for which neither party was prepared,  he almost always assumes that going through these painful months kills the pain and gets things back on track.

However, this mixture does not always work, for it is wrong to think that the god of time will pass by us and wipe away our grief merely for the goodness of his own heart.

There is not just one god at a time, there are three. Kronos is the most famous. He represents an external and unified time with a past and a future. It is a time that we can measure by observing the movement of the stars or the ticking of our clock.

And on the other hand, Aion, on the other hand  , symbolizes the life span of each person, the passage of time, which consists of several different cycles.

But  what is interesting on a psychological level, however, and when it comes to personal growth, is a young god named Cairo. He is the one who is directly between these two Gods, and he represents the opportunity.

Time and opportunity

Cairo invites us to live in the here and now, reminding us that each of us is made up of certain strengths and weaknesses, certain abilities and values, but while these all remain the same, we ourselves will never remain the same. Why? Because we have a responsibility to evolve, we have a responsibility to learn every day.

the girl flies on the owl's back

Let us think of time in a more precise, holistic, and useful way. Kronos and Cairo always go hand in hand. Time and opportunity for improvement and growth occur periodically, and we must learn how to use them to our advantage. 

Here is an interesting example. There is a coral reef around Florida that is expanding in the coastal area. Its only chance to grow, and thus to bring its death to a halt, takes place seven days after the full moon in August. That’s when the coral reef starts to spawn, right at sunset. A unique and magical moment, a moment when a real opportunity has arisen.

My shoes take me where my mind wants

As at any time in life, we know that getting through difficult times  requires an active attitude, open eyes, and motivation to move forward,  as well as growing like this coral reef that fights every year against a slope that pushes it toward its own extinction.

If we want to leave fear and bitterness behind us,  it would help us to know where our shoes are. Hard-bottomed shoes where self-love, dignity and renewed dreams give us the strength to get over any obstacles, cross bridges and climb over mountains.

bare feet and butterflies

Finally,  allow time for your change engine. Take advantage of every opportunity while your feet – your attitude and smile – take you where you want to be. Where the most beautiful coral reefs grow. 

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