Finding Love Means Finding Yourself

Finding love means finding yourself

Many women thirst to find the love of their lives, but ignore the fact: to find love you must first find yourself. Ana Moreno’s book Hungry for Love deals with that topic, just like we do in this article.

As a woman, I ask you: why do you need a partner? To complete a part of yourself that you think is missing? To fill a void? Because you are afraid to be alone? Why do you feel helpless as a single? If you don’t already know, I’ll tell you that a partner won’t solve your problems. Vice versa. Your problems may even get worse.

Connecting to addiction only leads to mental failure. Only a conscious relationship is a healthy relationship.

True love comes with yourself

Women need to feel loved, but true love comes with you. A woman who loves herself radiates and is able to receive love. Think about it: you can’t attract something in your life if you don’t already have it.

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If you don’t feel loved, you think you need someone else to complement yourself. By doing so, however, you become another person’s property and you begin to feel that you are nothing without him. But this is selfish, and love and selfishness never go together.

It’s even more important to recognize that whatever attracts you is something you have to offer. If you try to be something you are not, you will not find a real person. If you do not show true love and respect for yourself, you will find someone who does not love or respect themselves, or you.

It is never too late to find yourself

Even if you haven’t found a partner or you’re not happy with your current relationship, it’s never too late to find yourself, to start building love within you, instead of looking for it elsewhere. For Ana Moreno, it’s as easy as working with love, honesty, and appreciation; share what you have to offer, and give of yourself to others.

The most amazing thing about understanding love in this way is that you don’t need anyone else to feel whole. You are not dependent on finding love, how others see you, or how other people react according to their own needs and addictions. All of this requires important self-esteem training, personal growth, and exploring your own values, for you can only love yourself when you know who you are.

You don’t need anyone to supplement yourself

You’re enough. You don’t need anyone to supplement yourself. Your partner can help you be a better version of yourself and bring out the best in you. You can build a life and grow together. But if you are dependent on your partner and / or your partner is dependent on you, you will pull each other down.

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Knowing yourself is enough to create love in your life. You stop wasting your time on unnecessary activities while trying to please others or acting according to their wishes and desires. If you’re trying to be something other than you are, you’re not making yourself or anyone else happy, even if it might seem that way. Always remember that if you try to make another happy without thinking about your own needs, you will end up feeling empty and more incomplete.

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