Forgiveness Frees From The Past And Helps Move Forward

Forgiveness frees you from the past and helps you move forward

Forgiveness is one of the best forms of generosity available . Forgiveness is an almost inevitable part of every human relationship in which we are involved. Giving and asking for it is freedom and for that reason it holds immense value. Doing it often seems more difficult than its options: not looking for it or not giving it.

There are people who do not forgive because they believe that by doing so, they will avoid acquitting the other party from guilt. In reality, however, it is the  one who suffers the most who does not know how to forgive. Without forgiveness, they keep the pain inside, which eventually turns into a kind of sharp and uncontrollable dagger that can cause tremendous and unpredictable damage.

If you don’t know how to forgive, it will bind you to anger and bitterness , which is why you will probably end up feeding your thoughts with these feelings. Forgiving someone who has hurt you is not always easy, so it is necessary to know how to do it so that you can free yourself from the wounds of the past and leave behind all the emotional burden that may slow you down and weigh you down.

Forgiveness frees you from the past and helps you move forward2

Wrong ways to understand forgiveness

There are people who do not understand forgiveness. They believe it is a kind of competition in which the accusing finger is pointing, rewarding its winner and punishing the loser. However, forgiveness has nothing to do with things like:

  • Exempting the other party from his own actions
  • Surrender
  • Offering a second cheek
  • Its a pretense as if nothing had happened
  • Admitting that your anger is not justified
  • Forcing yourself to get along with someone you feel can hurt you again

Understand forgiveness as freedom that heals

Be that as it may, forgiveness has nothing to do with the list above. Forgiveness has to do with ourselves, feelings of well-being,  and keeping punishment within the realm of reflection and learning. Forgiveness is actually characterized by the following:

  • Releasing nasty feelings or bitterness
  • Wound healing, estimate getting rid of
  • The choice to be in a better mood
  • To draw attention to the positive aspects
  • Giving yourself a great opportunity: start all over again from a clean slate
  • Liberating yourself: this is your choice, don’t forget your own feelings are under your control

Allow time to do your job

When something hurts then  remember that you can’t act in the past and on the contrary you get the opportunity to participate in the present and the future : alleviating, healing and re-establishing.

Allow your positive energy to flow outward without the need to fight, without the need to set up a conflict situation. Allow your own attention to focus on being better and getting better, preventing suffering from disguising your gratitude for all the other positive things in your own life.


Forgiveness and receiving are equally liberating

Forgiveness is a great gesture of goodwill towards oneself and others. It is a gesture that will help you continue your journey forward and realize that nothing is as toxic as thinking and feeling sad about yourself. In addition, a person who is allowed to receive your forgiveness can learn an effective lesson about humility and human values, which in turn changes his or her perspective as well.

Pain that causes annoyance is often necessary. However, it should not be given the power to establish itself in life,  for then it will never want to leave. The only person who can control your emotions is you. So if you are constantly living the pain of what has happened again, you are at the same time giving more strength to the person who has betrayed you.

To keep moving forward, stop holding on to negative feelings

Don’t grab negative emotions or anger will continue to paralyze you. Anger is only an external sign of the pain, fear, guilt, or frustration we feel when we are deceived. While the pain will never go away completely, forgiveness can help free yourself from anger so that you can feel better.

While there is no one particular way to forgive, it is simply easy for some people, while others need to force themselves and do more work to earn it, to forgive it, or to unify it in their other life experiences. They might tell themselves compelling stories like, “I’m looking at this through my fingers, and I’m not going to place my own anger, irritability, or bitterness on this person.”

Remember that things that have already happened cannot be changed , but you have the power to decide how you react to them yourself. To do this, you need to talk to yourself and write down what your internal dialogue is telling you. If it’s all negative, don’t bother to find positive ways to think.

Lastly, remember that perfection does not exist. The mistakes, no matter how hard we try to turn our backs on them, inevitably exist. What we can change is what we do with them and how we strengthen our ability to forgive so that the harm and pain they may cause can leave our lives as soon as possible.

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