Good People Hide Scars In Their Souls
We good people carry star dust in our pockets to make it impossible for other people, as well as to offer them happiness and joy. But sometimes it hurts to give our all without getting anything back and there are quite a lot of scars that we really try to cover…
There are scars that man consciously tries to hide because remembering them hurts and even humiliates them because they bring us back to the moment when we gave our all for someone and received only emptiness or deception in return for the peak.
Good people are not weak or gullible; good people only in their simplicity understand the language of respect and affection, and are adept at modesty and selflessness. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that they never seem to fit into this world, which is so often surface-polished with selfishness and temporality, with feelings that cannot last, and with promises that are carelessly broken from day to day.
This world does not always shape what we hope it to be. There is room for disharmony and falsehood. For this reason, we must also get used to the chaos, and above all, learn to say when it is enough for us when it is necessary: when our self-esteem is damaged.
Good people hide battles that others don’t see
Good people are much more than what they look like to others. They hide from others the struggles that only they know, they hold back words and bitterness stigmatized by the smiles of friends because they don’t want to seem weak or direct their own sorrows towards other people. They are modest and carry their own burdens without resentment.
Good people listen without judging, they talk without offending and they watch for underestimation. They have three simple values that they hope others will commit to, although this is certainly not always the case.
How can we define goodness? Where does the line run between healthy kindness and kindness that doesn’t know how to set boundaries and that sometimes causes suffering in the end?
There are people who seek happiness by giving others everything they can. They care and worry about everything that forms part of their social circle and much more broadly, in a very thorough way. They are also very sensitive to feeling and experiencing the “pain of the world,” the inequalities and suffering of others.
This sensitivity sometimes results in them doing actions that others do not understand: doing services to people who barely feel or take their selflessness to situations that are even quite unusual.
Good people rarely say “no” to anything and this is not because they don’t have a personality or they aren’t confident; it is because deep in their hearts they have no doubt as to whether to invest their time and energy in the people who ask for it.
There is no greater happiness for good people than to bring joy to others, to see their smiles, and to feel useful; witnessing and seeing this activity is in itself significant and enriching.
The biggest problem with all of this, however, is that they are able to give their very best, to the point that they themselves are completely devoid of strength, spirit, and energy. And they still do so so often that the rest of the world assumes they don’t need anything, that they are always available and available, and that there are endless more smiles behind their smiles kuitenkaan However, this is not the case at all.
Because there are scars behind their happy and friendly faces. The voids that have been left behind by people who have sometimes taken advantage of their kindness, those who saw only free services, love that asks for nothing for itself, and indomitable affection and affection… But not the man behind all that.
Even good people can say when is enough
Good people can and should say “enough” at the right time, because sometimes people tear good people to pieces day by day until they finally lose their self-esteem, value, and unity. Don’t allow this; don’t allow yourself to be entangled in the edges of that cancer.
In reality, it is not at all easy to set boundaries or say when it is enough when we have spent half of our lives giving up and giving more than our souls would have allowed. However, we need to be very clear about one thing: we are not made of steel, nor our hearts of stone. We are made of flesh and emotions, ones that often get damaged and break down.
If you can give affection and commitment to others, you also need to be able to see who deserves your effort and who doesn’t.
Understand that no one is selfish in prioritizing themselves a little more each day, saying “no” to those who ignore us or make us feel different from ourselves. Because those who manipulate us with the networks of selfishness do not value and respect us.
Giving joy, attention, and happiness to other people is the most sublime value that defines us. Don’t let others make you regret who you are and what you feel. This is just a simple step to set boundaries, at the same time cultivating your own happiness to be able to share it with others.