Grief: 5 Quotes To Help You Get Over The Loss

Grief: 5 quotes to help you get over the loss

Each of us has to experience grief at some point in life. Going through each phase of grief can help us accept the loss we are experiencing. But sometimes, however, this process is so painful that we get stuck in one step for too long. The quotes on grief we list in this article help with this process and during grief they serve as sources of light and hope.

Not only can these quotes help with grief,  they also allow us to reflect on everything we can learn from this process,  and they can make us aware of certain tendencies we need to avoid in order to move forward.

1.  “There is no sorrow like sorrow that does not speak.”

In these words,  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  reflects the great weight we carry when we do not allow ourselves to express our pain. When we experience a loss, we suffer tremendously, but we are used to maintaining a certain kind of “facade”. 

woman figure in autumn trees

When we prevent ourselves from crying in public or expressing our feelings for fear of seeing someone, it prevents us from accepting the loss and getting over it. As a result, we carry a lot of pain on our shoulders and let it linger too long. The weight of emotions we don’t express can turn into deep depression. 

It is important to allow ourselves to express our feelings. Suppressing them causes more damage.

2.  “Grief is good. Grief is a way to get over life changes. ”

This quote from Rick Warren invites us to see the mourning process as an opportunity to say goodbye  to the person who left us. Sometimes we feel like we never had a chance to do it, and grief can help us let go of that person slowly.

At the same time, Warren invites us to see grief as a way to prepare to see a new phase in life; the stage where that person is no longer physically present, but he is still in our hearts.

Going through the mourning process allows us to say goodbye and change the relationship we had with that person,  and it helps us understand that we can move on in life.

3.  “Compression is a process. No space. ”

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that sometimes grief lasts longer than it should. Therefore, Anne Grant makes it clear that grieving is a process, not a state. Grieving means many stages that we have to go through, from denial to anger, negotiation, depression, and finally acceptance. But this doesn’t always have to be in that order.

birds get in flight from a human hand

Often people get stuck in some of these stages. Someone may be in the denial phase for too long, and for someone, grief can last a lifetime. Grant urges us to open our eyes and realize that grief is not a permanent state of being.

If we think grief is a permanent state, it prevents us from going on with our lives and being happy. It is important that we know how to let go of the person we have lost. Even if it happens, it is liberating.

4.  “Grieving challenges us to love again.”

Terry Tempest Williams invites us to see the mourning process as a challenge. Some people are unable to face loss. They deny themselves the opportunity to love that person because they are afraid of losing him again. However, this is a risk worth taking.

All things have their own positive and negative sides. If we don’t feel sad, we can’t appreciate happiness. While we all have to experience some loss in our lives, going through these stages of grief helps us say goodbye and take the risk of loving again.

5.  “Don’t protect yourself with a fence, but rather with friends.”

This Czech proverb is quite revealing. Sometimes when we suffer a loss, we shut ourselves off from others. We stop being with our friends, meet our family, avoid social life, and stop doing things we used to enjoy.

It’s as if we are building a wall around ourselves to protect ourselves from the pain we ourselves feel, when in reality this is how we only reinforce the pain. It is important to spend time with ourselves and our pain, but we must also share it with others and let them support us.

you can get over the loss with the help of friends

When we have helping hands, friends to hug, and words of comfort, we can carry the pain in a healthier way. If we isolate ourselves from others, the pain consumes us and we don’t know how to get rid of it.

Have you ever gone through grief? How did you get over it? These quotes can help us be aware of what the mourning process entails, and understand how to stay afloat when we feel overwhelmed by our feelings. What seems to be the end is not always the case. There may be new beginnings or opportunities behind the end, or simply different ways of dealing with the person we lost.

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