I Live Until I Finally Die

I will live until I finally die

As you read the quote below, consider these questions: What do these words tell you? Are they a mere utopia? Idealism? Do you think they are impossible to put into practice?

Consider how they could relate to your own life; in situations where you are sometimes or always the only one who suffers negative consequences.

“The next time you have to make a decision about something in your life or make a personal choice, ask yourself this extremely important question:“ How long am I going to be dead? ” With this eternity perspective, you can now decide which option you prefer and which choice you will end up with. You can leave your fears and worries behind and forget the question of whether you give yourself permission to do something or enjoy something or not.

If you don’t start acting this way, you might as well think about the real possibility that you will live the rest of your life the way other people expect you to live. Undoubtedly, if our life here on earth is indeed so short, it should at least be pleasant. When it comes to your own life, do exactly what you want to do about it. ”

-Wayne Dyer-

As you read and analyze this wonderful text, a very essential question may arise in your mind: how could I live this way? How can I put this idea into practice?

Deep down, no matter how discouraged we feel, we all believe that life is a gift. It’s just a short walk. A walk that deserves to be transported and that deserves respect. Just as Frank Sinatra said, “I’m going to live until one day I die.”

Step One: Identify things that cannot be fixed

Carefully review all your unresolved griefs and worries for which there is no solution or answer. Look at them and think, “What could I do for all this?”

If you can do absolutely nothing about them, simply let them be. If, on the other hand, you think it would be healthier to find a solution for them, strive for it. You will find out afterwards if you can really handle it. All other things you can just ignore and try to forget about them.

It’s not necessarily that you’re leaving these unresolved things to rot somewhere in the wigs of the mind. Rather, this means letting these thoughts rise somewhere with the wind, sun, earth, and rain. Perhaps these supernatural elements will find some solution or purpose for them, but your mind will no longer need them. There’s just no solution to them and not necessarily any reason why they appeared in your life at all, even though you may have spent years of your life remembering them and carrying them with worry or sorrow.

You’ve done everything you can to find the answers, and all of these things have become a part of you. So far, the best solution is just to let them go. They are somewhere much bigger and wiser. Maybe they also wanted to be let go because your mind was constantly burdening them. So try to let go of them. Do you already feel lighter?

Step Two: Turn your grief toward the universe

There are, of course, a lot of things that are far heavier and more challenging than various everyday worries or feelings of insecurity. There are many kinds of severe traumas, sorrows, losses, and illnesses in the world. It’s much harder to get these types of things out of your mind, but you can still take them into your own hands and keep them in them without forgetting all the valuable lessons you’ve learned in your life.

So our advice is this; try to endure all this for a while longer; do whatever you have to do. Keep with you all the valuable lessons you have learned from them or are still learning. These teachings will help you move forward and evolve to become an even better person than before.

Do not be left in the midst of your suffering; give them forward to the universe and ask them what they can do. With it, you can move forward. The universe will thank you too.

The universe and death

Step Three: Step into the big world

Now is just the time to regain the magic you once lost. Be intuitive. Seek contact with nature. Smile. Do all that you have done before, but now without the mental burden on your shoulders.

Keep in mind that what you do is more important than what you think … Dare to challenge yourself!

Pink cloud, I live

If you feel nervous, sad, confused, or somehow under pressure… All you have to do is remember that these are emotions. Try to treat them as they are. Don’t avoid them; they are part of you. You carry them with you wherever you go, but they are not any breaker that controls you. You are you. Our feelings do not make us different but what we do with them, whether it happens consciously or unconsciously.

Accept the challenge of living life to the fullest, even if you may feel like you’re not quite ready for it yet. How boring your life would look in your eyes now if only you could see everything you could accomplish in your life!

Step Four: Seek out the things that will bring you joy

We all go through stages in our lives that are “complex”. Now is not the time to choose. We all die in the end, so live the way you want to live yourself instead of meeting the expectations that other people set for your life.

What do you allow yourself to do at this point? Don’t you think it’s time to look for some sort of confirmation? Would it be a good time for you to start looking for things in life that will make you feel good?

Leaving behind such great suffering and pain may seem strange. That’s perfectly normal; sadness is addictive. Your mind tells you sad things and you behave according to what it tells you, just like you have always done. 

Don’t expect your mind to tell you “now is enough!” to change this routine that has made you so embarrassed. Our minds have evolved over time to warn us of potential dangers and prevent us from being too compassionate. Now is the time to do the things your soul and instincts urge you to do. They have always been present in some way, but you have never stopped to listen to your instincts.

Call someone important, read, buy a plane ticket and go on a trip, go for a walk or simply give someone a warm hug. These are all things that make you feel good. Listen to yourself and feel your feelings. When you stop struggling with your destructive feelings, everything gradually begins to look and feel quite different.

Step Five: Make choices

Choose. Choose what you really want to do. You are just one soul in this vast universe, so you will hardly be asked very many questions. Make a choice instead of convenience or ease based on what makes you you; make your own decision about what you want to spend your time on.

Choose what you see, choose what you read and choose which people you want next to you. Turn off the television. Say no sometimes – of course you can say it without sounding rude.

Build for yourself a life that goes hand in hand with your own values. Even when your values ​​may not be exactly the same as other people’s values.

It is true that sometimes life is difficult. Maybe the fear of death scares you, but instead of fear, it’s worth taking a warning: life is short and you should take all the joy out of it. 

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