I Want To Be A Mother, But I’m Scared

I want to be a mother, but I'm scared

The social pressure on having children is much weaker than before. Instead, becoming a mother or free infertility is still a challenging decision. There is a lot of fear of becoming a mother, and it can have a strong effect on your decision. In this article, we’ll go through some questions to help you make an informed decision that fits your needs and desires.

Times have changed a lot, and so has our understanding of motherhood. In some ways, the change has been for the better, but the changes are also accompanied by myths that bring some women into fear. Even some women who want children choose not to have them because they are so perplexed by the complexity of motherhood. The best thing is that you are the only person who gets to decide if you want to be a mother or not. This is a real benefit for women, as until some time ago there was a huge social pressure to have children.

The problem is that some women have drifted to the very other extreme. They see having children as such an awkward thing that it is better to avoid it altogether. For them, it is no longer a natural part of life. Neither extreme is good. After all, the only thing that really matters is that every woman should be responsible for her own wishes and decisions.

A woman sits and thinks.

Becoming a mother and the fear associated with it

Fear of motherhood is perfectly normal. Motherhood, after all, motherhood changes your life radically. You also have to accept physical and mental pain. Who wouldn’t be scared of this?

However, fear can sometimes be caused by different things. Maybe you’ve heard the stories of older women who have impressed you. It is not so long since women had to give birth in very difficult circumstances. They were often unprepared for the experience and most were left without proper treatment.

Some women reject the idea of ​​motherhood because they do not feel ready for it. The truth is that just about no one is ready to become a mother. We are generally not prepared for the things that happen to us. We are not prepared to grow up, divorce our loved ones, grow old, etc.

Another reason some women fail to have children is that life is tough. They do not want to pass on anxiety, depression or other problems to their children. However, this is probably a somewhat extreme view. It is not possible at all to avoid suffering, loss or error. After all, life can be beautiful. There are a lot of wonderful experiences to live.

thinking woman

Don’t let fear prevent your motherhood

Whatever is the cause of your fear, it is important that you do not let it hinder the realization of your dreams. If you really want a child, fear should not come before this dream. Instead of letting fear overcome, take the time to think about it. Observe yourself, the situation and think about why you are afraid.

Where does your fear come from? Is it appropriate or not? Do you really want to be a mother or are you scared because you don’t want to be a mother but feel pressure for it? You should consider these things.

Find out your wishes

In addition to what we have already gone through above, keep an account of your current situation. Is now the right time to have a child in this world? Do you have the support of your partner? Does your family support you? These are really important points to consider before making a decision. Ultimately, however, the final decision is yours. Being a mother or being a child will not make you happy if you do it to please others.

You should also look closely at your financial situation. Raising a child doesn’t require millions, but you should be able to provide him or her with stability. In particular, you should make sure that you have enough time for your child.

Once you’ve gone through these points above and evaluated your situation, it’s probably easier to decide what you want to do. If becoming a mother is what you want, fight for it to the best of your ability.

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