Japanese 5S Method For Harmonizing Life

Japanese 5S method for harmonizing life

The Japanese 5S method consists of five basic principles that can improve the quality of life. These principles are built on two structures: order and purity. This Japanese technique can be applied in either work or personal life. Many companies have chosen to use this method to increase productivity and improve the company’s internal processes.

Toyota introduced the 5S method in 1960 to ensure a more organized, hygienic, and efficient work environment. This company sought to increase labor productivity using the Kaizen method.

Since then, the 5S method has been used in various organizations due to its widespread dissemination. In addition, it can be applied in the educational area as it encourages hygienic practices from an early age. Thus, its psycho-pedagogical basis is based on the promotion of cultural change in relation to the cleaning practices put into practice by educational institutions.

What exactly is the 5S method?

The Japanese 5S method consists of five basic principles. Because this method does not require any prior preparation, anyone can apply this method in their daily lives. However, it is important to be strict to maximize results.

The 5S method works in cleaning

It would be ideal to practice this method in a systematic way. In fact, perseverance is one of the keys to this method. Let us consider what these principles are then:


Seiri is a process based on putting the unnecessary aside. A person seeks analytically to identify what he or she really needs and to distinguish it from things that he or she thinks only take up space. Once identified, a person should throw away anything he or she does not use.

Another benefit of recognizing things is that it allows people to identify elements that they need but don’t have. The criterion a person must use to identify whether an object is important or not is to ask themselves when he or she last used it. If the item hasn’t been used in a year, it’s time to throw it away.

In this way, identification prepares the working material for the next step, which is to select the best place for the object in question.


Organization is the main feature of the next stage. It is based on placing objects where they need to be placed, and also on identifying which objects are most important and placing them in an easily accessible place.

This allows a person to delineate and make certain ratings. It’s about organizing the whole workplace so you don’t waste time or energy searching for an object.


At this point, the person performs the cleaning process. The idea is to remove all existing dirt so that the person is able to achieve a spotless work environment. The most important thing here is to identify what dirt is in the workplace, and then remove it.


This is based on finding anomalies and resolving them to avoid creating chain reactions. This step will help people remember how important it is to keep places tidy to avoid clutter.

a bookshelf in the shape of a human head


Lastly, a person must create a learning system for themselves so that they can develop day by day through discipline. It is always important to keep the 5S method in mind when working. This definitely helps to keep all the important qualities in mind: order, hygiene and efficiency.

Applying the 5S method in the workplace is a good way to manage your own space and optimize time. However, it is important to keep in mind that this method can also be applied in personal life. So don’t be afraid to categorize, organize, and clean up. These can facilitate the path to well-being.

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