Joaquin Phoenix’s Speech On Behalf Of Sentient Beings And The Environment

For awareness of equality, social rights, the environment and veganism, and in memory of his late brother … Joaquin Phoenix’s speech moved millions of people after receiving the Oscar for Best Male Lead. We’ll talk more about that below.
A speech by Joaquin Phoenix on behalf of sentient beings and the environment

He held the prestigious Academy Award in his hand, but it didn’t seem to matter much to him. Her confident voice was far from the expression and gestures of the man who at times showed shyness and at times again the absolute weight of the hours. Joaquin Phoenix’s speech barely lasted three minutes. However, this was enough to turn the world around, to cross the news threshold, and to move millions of people worldwide.

We do not know whether the imprint of this message will last as long as other news that spreads quickly in the media; something short-lived to be distributed in a massive way and then left to be forgotten. Interestingly though, Joaquin Phoenix already showed signs of the same honesty at that Golden Globe Awards Gala, that close but firm call to make changes from an ecological and vegan perspective as a way to create a more sustainable and respectful world.

If Phoenix’s words hadn’t been fully taken into account in previous galas when he received accolades for his career, it would seem that at the 2020 Oscar gala, his ideas have finally come to the fore around the world. Joaquin Phoenix’s speech was very different from the speeches of the other winners, as he has not appealed to politics and his words had the magic of emotion and the splendor of humility and sensitivity that want to awaken awareness in people.

Joaquin Phoenix’s short but moving speech made millions of people around the world think

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech that we should all listen to

The fact that movie stars are committed to defending something is always gratifying and it’s always big news. The movement for women’s rights and equality has been present at almost every ceremony and awards gala in recent years. Progress has been made, and all of this has been positive and desirable.

In the same way, and in this context of social activism, it is almost inevitable not to remember Marlon Brando and the day he gave his best possible protest to the Hollywood Academy by rejecting the Oscar.

Instead, he sent Sacheen Littlefeather, an indigenous activist from America, to declare a situation in which indigenous peoples had to live. That moment made history, not only because of the scale given by the media, but also because of the journalists who relied on the same point of concern that Marlon Brandon had raised.

We don’t know if Joaquin Phoenix’s speech produces the same effect, and we don’t know if someone, after his words, is going to take a step forward and change their eating habits to perhaps create new mechanisms that will allow us to better serve our planet.

Whatever it is, it is clear to us that since the speech given by Phoenix, we have shared and quoted many of his sentences and, above all, the speech he gave at the Oscars. Let’s look below for more of some of his best sayings.

Gratitude and responsibility

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech began with a gesture that was simple gratitude. Phoenix said he didn’t feel above any of the other artists who shared that moment with him at the Oscars. After all, they all had the same passion, and this passion has in some way also given Phoenix meaning to his existence.

His role as Joker must have been the culmination of a man’s dazzling career. However, acting as Batman’s classical antagonist has taken him to another realm; to where the artist paves the way for absolute genius to fulfill his role. The one where the cartoon character has never before felt so human to us.

For Joaquin Phoenix himself, success has been, above all, an opportunity to give a voice to those who do not have it.

We have created a selfish world that is used to exploiting others

“No one has the right to take advantage of others,” Phoenix said in his speech. But we still do. Good examples of this are gender discrimination, racism, attacks on the LGBT community and the exploitation of animals and the environment.

We are a selfish society that has forgotten to defend the injustices of the world. Not only do we turn our gaze away or neglect to address these grievances, but we reinforce them day by day almost without even noticing it ourselves.

In addition to veganism and ecology, Joaquin Phoenix's speech focused on the world's ills, such as discrimination and the oppression of the environment and animals for the benefit of man.

Ecology, veganism and humanity

“We are detached from the natural world and plundering its resources.” One of the most well-known aspects of Joaquin Phoenix has been his solid struggle for conservation and veganism. He also shared this belief and lifestyle with his brother River Phoenix, who has also become known as an animal rights activist and for his collaboration with PETA.

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech appeals to the sensitivity of animals, to reunite with the suffering they feel, and to take advantage of what defines us humans so much: our love and creativity. If we could create new systems that are more sustainable and respect animals and the environment, we would all win.

Joaquin Phoenix’s speech and the memory of his brother

As we all know, River Phoenix was Joaquin’s older brother. He was a young promise, and who was leaving the whole world of movies in his shadow, but who unfortunately died of a drug overdose on October 31, 1993, at just 23 years old. For this reason, it was almost necessary for Joaquin, in his speech at the Oscar gala, to dedicate beautiful words to his late brother as well.

And so he did, even though it was just one sentence. A few words that were consistent with his message and his powerful speech: “ Run to the Rescue with love, and peace will follow ” (Run to save with love, and you will have peace).

So let us continue with this idea, with the core of love that can act as man’s most powerful engine; with its ability to bring about change and achieve a more sustainable and respectful planet where all its valuable inhabitants can live together.

We hope that Joaquin Phoenix’s speech will never be forgotten.

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