Krishnamurt’s Unforgettable Words
Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher whose reflections left a significant legacy. This worldly man was not identified with any nationality, religion, social class, or race. His philosophy was based on peace and the breaking up of borders.
He received the World Peace Council Peace Prize in 1984. He died at the age of 90, but his works have been translated into many languages and he is still very influential.
Here is a list of some of his most important quotes. Read these and delve into his words!
- “Between the two solutions, always choose the most generous.”
- We can only learn by listening. And listening is a silent act; only a calm but unusually active mind can learn. ”
- “Only those who are not imprisoned by society can make a profound impact on it.”
- “Have you noticed that inspiration comes when you’re not looking for it? It comes when your expectations cease, when your mind and heart are at peace. ”
- Freedom is essential to love, not the freedom of rebellion, not the freedom to do whatever you want, and not the freedom to bend openly or secretly to your desires, but rather the freedom that comes through understanding. ”
- “The key to achieving peace in the world is our daily behavior.”
- “Watch out for the man who says he knows.”
- “Fear corrupts intelligence and is one of the reasons for selfishness.”
- When the mind is completely silent, on a superficial and deep level, the unknown, the immeasurable, can emerge. ”
10. “By giving a name to someone, we limit ourselves by putting it in a category and think we understand it; we will not look at it in more detail. But if we don’t name it, we’re obligated to look at it. Or rather, we approach the flower, or whatever it is, with a charm of novelty, a new way of looking: we look at it as if we had never seen it before. ”
11. “When we plant wheat once, we harvest once. When you plant trees once, you harvest ten times. When you build a village, you harvest a hundred times. ”
12. “Life is an incredible mystery… Not the mystery you find in books, not the mystery people talk about, but the mystery everyone finds in themselves, and that’s why it’s so important for all of you to understand small, limited, insignificant things, and go above and beyond all of them. “
13. “When someone is considerate of everything, he becomes sensitive, and sensitivity means that someone has an inner capacity for perception of beauty, it is a sense of beauty.”
14. “Truth frees you, not an attempt to be free.”
15. “Freedom consists in recognizing your boundaries.”
16. “Wisdom is not the accumulation of memories, but the extreme sensitivity to the truth.”
17. No one can put themselves in a psychological prison, they are already in one. ”
18. “Avoiding a problem only reinforces it, and during this process, self-understanding and freedom are rejected.”
19. “Nationalism is an isolating process that provokes wars, misery and destruction.”
20. “Intelligence is the questioning of methods.”
21. “Love gives itself like a flower gives its scent.”
22. Without meditation, life lacks fragrance, love. ”
23. “They must demand that they receive an education that stimulates them to think freely and fearlessly, which helps them to study, to understand; they should demand it of their teachers. ”
24. “The religious mind is the light itself.”
25. “You don’t understand first and then act. When we understand, that absolute understanding is action. ”
26. “This means that they should look at themselves, that they should notice more and more influences who are trying to control and dominate them; it means they should not accept without thinking, but should always question, investigate, and find themselves in a state of rebellion. ”
27. “The simple function of observation requires incredible clarity; without it, monitoring is not possible. ”
28. For political and industrial reasons, discipline has become an important factor in current social structures, and because of our desire for psychological security, we accept and practice various forms of discipline. ”
29. “When we say‘ I don’t know ’, what do we mean?”