Love According To Buddhism
Love according to Buddhism is different from love according to the Western world. In Buddhism, giving yourself unselfishly to another person is a pure feeling. It comes with a feeling of complete comfort knowing that you have not caused any pain or suffering to anyone. Instead, you have helped bring joy.
In the Western world, love is a two-sided concept that always involves the other person, shared feelings and longing. It’s two-sided, because even if you have to have another person’s approval, the other part focuses on you. It means that it is “less selfless” love.
Here are two conflicting concepts. According to Sigmund Freud, the object of love seeks protection, but he also tries to keep love to himself. It can make him the target of insults and attacks when he is not with his lover.
This is because your way of life and your way of death exist only because of each other. You cannot get love without anger. Similarly, according to psychoanalysis, the way of life tries to preserve things and hold them together, but it is related to the way of death that tries to destroy and separate them. After all, they both feed each other.
The main features of love according to Buddhism
Love according to Buddhism is completely different from the perception we have in the Western world. One basic feature of love according to Buddhism is the ability to feel compassion for another person. This compassion is something that leads all living people to gain respect.
According to Buddhism, love should always come from the same place as destiny. Its goal is to be enlightening and to be able to eliminate the kind of suffering that is well present in the concept of love in the Western world. It is a genuine desire that the other person is well and that you share your energy and resources.
Friendship and kindness as a big part of love
According to Buddhism, love also has a lot to do with friendship and benevolence. But these should never force you to bind yourself to another person, which can lead to suffering. You don’t have to glue yourself to anyone to get love according to Buddhism, because that’s impossible. Nothing stays in one place forever. Everything changes.
This religion says that you can find true happiness and fulfillment only in yourself. You can only share these feelings with other people, but you will never fully. It is because addiction is never part of Buddhist philosophy.
According to Buddhism, love is endless because the energy it gives you comes from the universe, not from you as an individual. If love does not have all the traits we have already mentioned, it is, according to Buddhism, a selfish reflection of your own needs.
Another feature of true love is the feeling of happiness for another person. There should be no jealousy at all, just joy in the well-being of another person. Love should also be balanced and equal so that it does not disturb the soul and become an addiction.
Feeling true love for another person from an Eastern perspective is not always easy. It can be hard to drop all the cultural bags you’ve carried with you since you were born. But if you see the effort to understand and practice it, you will be able to take advantage of everything you have to give.