Simple Self-care For Busy Mothers

Self-care is essential to the mental and physical well-being of busy mothers.
Simple self-care for busy mothers

More and more people are realizing that self-care is not about selfishness. Rather the opposite; taking care of yourself is the first step to being able to take care of others around you. If you are the parent of a child, this is especially true for you. In this article, we will focus specifically on what is the best self-care for busy mothers. For mothers who wear a “supermother” cloak and completely forget to take care of themselves as well.

It’s time to dispel the notion that you have to put your family above everything else and that investing in yourself would be selfish. It is important to understand that you need to take care of yourself so that you have enough energy to take care of your children. To love your family, you must also love yourself. If you don’t, what kind of example will you set for your children?

Self-care is an important factor in your overall well-being. It includes practical factors, physical, mental and even mental factors. Because of this, everyone has their own definition of self-care. You need to make a decision about which areas of your life are worth taking care of.

Simple self-care for busy mothers requires only a moment of daily time

We won’t waste your time introducing you to skin care tips or telling you that you should take care of your diet or exercise, as you certainly already know these things. Instead, we offer you some strategies and tools to help you reconnect with yourself.

We know that taking time for self-care can be especially difficult for mothers. The challenge is to take time for yourself, and that requires creativity.

The solution is to change the idle time for self-care. Learn to distinguish between what is important and what is not, and invest those free moments in yourself. You can also free up time for some chores. Be creative and listen to your body. Learn to relax and rest.

Below we share some self-care routines designed for busy mothers. You can incorporate these exercises into your weekdays no matter how crazy your days are. You only need a few minutes a day to connect with yourself and focus your energy.

tired and busy mother

Raise your legs

Raising the legs helps reduce inflammation and provides temporary relief from various symptoms. As you keep your legs elevated, try to close your eyes and clear your mind of thoughts.

All you have to do is settle long on the bed or on the floor. Then lift your feet against a wall or chair. You can also just lift your legs up without relaxing them. The more you lift and stretch your legs, the better. However, remember that you should not make too much effort.

Exercise your abdominal muscles

Abdominal breathing (deep breathing) is the first step to relaxation. It is, in fact, one of the most recommended self-care techniques for mothers. When you focus on shrinking your abdominal muscles, your diaphragm rises, which helps you breathe deeper. This type of breathing lowers stress levels and increases the oxygen content in your body.

To start the exercise, sit in a comfortable position or lie down on your back for a long time. Close your eyes and place your hands on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and feel how your stomach expands like a balloon. Exhale and feel your stomach fall towards your spine. Repeat several times.

If you feel stressed or restless, hold your breath for a few seconds before inhaling in and out. If this doesn’t work the first time yet, don’t worry. It becomes easier with practice. If you do it right, you will feel calmer after three to four breaths.

Drink a cup of hot tea

Enjoying a hot cup of tea in silence is one of the best gifts you can give yourself during the day. You should do this either in the morning or in the middle of the afternoon.

Make a cup of organic tea that will really please you. Choose a tea whose health effects you feel will do you good. If the silence feels too disturbing or your thoughts are galloping restless, listen to a guided meditation video or podcast. Enjoy every sip, focus on the sensations and breathe.

meditation and tea

Other simple self-care routines

There are many other self-care routines. For example, a 15-20 minute morning yoga can be very helpful. Meditation or mindfulness exercises can also be helpful. You may have to wake up a little earlier than usual for that, but it’s really worth it.

Although we mentioned this briefly at the beginning, it deserves to be mentioned again. Don’t neglect your physical well-being. Do not leave exercise in the background. Make time for training to the best of your ability, either at home, outdoors, in the gym, or in the park.

Try to incorporate some of these suggestions into your daily routines. We guarantee you will be happier, healthier and more focused.

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