Sometimes You Have To Close Your Eyes To See

Sometimes you have to close your eyes to see

Sometimes, in order to see, you have to close your eyes and open your heart. Only then will you be able to find out what is really important, really relevant. For as you open your inner eyes and satisfy your soul, your horizons expand and new possibilities open up in your life.

According to neurologists, we produce about 50,000 ideas a day. Despite this, most of them are mechanical and self-repeating. As we receive a massive amount of information through the demands of new technology and the environment, we are increasingly suffering from mental exhaustion. We drown in the outside world so totally that we neglect our inner world.

Sometimes obsessive and debilitating train of thought takes us as we go, causing us to neglect our priorities and stop listening to ourselves. We have focused our gaze so intensely on the outside that we have become emotionally nearsighted, as if we needed glasses to find happiness.

eyes close

When the eyes get tired of seeing

Believe it or not, the mind is very accustomed to internal conflict. This is because the brain must constantly adapt to every situation and stimulus that presents itself to it. Pressures at work, family problems, own aspirations, social relationships. There are always problems to be solved, worries to calm down, empty spaces to be filled and fires to be extinguished.

The mental uproar produced by all these factors can become relentless and unforgivable. This is when stress begins to leave its mark on the brain as the eyes simply lose focus. We forget to look inward at our own conscience to see what really matters.

It is interesting to note that if you experience long periods of stress and anxiety, the almond nucleus, an area of ​​the brain associated with fear and emotion, begins to shrink. This structural change directly affects the forebrain, which is involved in upper brain functions such as awareness, concentration, and decision making.

woman's thoughts

This means that as we go through difficult times dominated by anxiety, stress, and annoying mental uproar, it is difficult for us to connect with ourselves. We break the invisible link between ourselves and our conscience because of this small structural change in the brain.

But don’t forget the plasticity of neurons, that is, the sophisticated ability of the brain to rebuild itself. Through exercises such as meditation, mindfulness (conscious presence), and other strategies, we can once again turn our eyes toward our inner selves.

A grateful mind is a very rested mind

A grateful mind is a well-rested mind that allows you to see what is really important. This sentence may seem too poetic or irrelevant. How can you be grateful when you feel dissatisfied, sad, or when your heart is broken? The first logical step is to free yourself from internal conflict.

When you put an end to all those emotional struggles, you feel the obvious energy you need to free yourself from all external constraints.

Everyone wants happiness without pain, peace without a storm and good feelings without resentment. But you need to understand something central: you can never see a rainbow without rain.

woman meditating

Close your eyes and you can see

The first step is to learn to control your thoughts. Don’t forget that your thoughts directly affect your feelings and how you perceive reality. Practice the following:

  • Close your eyes and prevent the conditional in the occurrence of thoughts : “If I had been there,” “If I had done so,” “When he tells me that he loves me, I am happy,” “When I have it, I feel better,” etc .
  • Eyes still closed, allow yourself that you begin to communicate with yourself in the present tense: “I want,” “I,” “I’m going to,” etc .
  • To close your eyes and see what’s really important in your life, you can’t leave your mind empty. It is not only impossible but also useless. You need to nourish your mind with positive, inspiring, and helpful thoughts.
  • Think and think positively. In this way, thinking does not blind you to reality or truth. Rather, it means revitalizing your mind and soul and supporting self-confidence, interrupting the flow of negative and limiting thoughts.

Give it a try. Dare to close your eyes to see, light a light in your heart, and take care of your needs that you have neglected as if they were old toys.

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