The Benefits Of Openness And Open Thinking
Everyone in their lives encounters people who are unable to adapt to new situations, do not accept ideas that differ from their own opinions, and do not like the challenges of change. Often these people consider their own opinions to be true and the opinions of everyone else to be wrong. Such people can be difficult to digest, especially if they themselves are open and tolerant.
Inflexibility is a sign that a person follows certain formulas and does not want to deviate from them. Habits have their safety, but those who strongly agree rarely achieve the joy of surprises and new experiences.
Your close circle may include such people, and it is difficult to communicate with them that is hardly stubborn and negative about anything that is different from what is familiar and good to them. In the workplace, working with such a person on a joint project is a real challenge, and if this type of person happens to be a family member, you can easily feel condemned if your lifestyle differs from their choices.
However, don’t let these people infect their inflexibility and rigid outlook on life with you. An open mind to the new is a strong resource that should be cherished.
You may consider yourself an open and tolerant person who is not afraid to face change or new things. However, each of us has our limits, which can be difficult to cross and somewhere in the minds of the mind there is always the fear of leaving our own familiar and safe area. Is it easy for you to accept opinions that differ from your own? Do you think you are always right?
Do not stick to formulas. Investigate your own attitude to new things and opinions and question what you think you know. Below we give you instructions on how to keep your mind open and curious.
1. Question the things around you
This does not mean all the doubts you feel (relationship, home, children, workplace) but rather gratitude that you have been lucky in your life. Think about how different your life could be and how much worse things could be. Also consider improvements to the current life situation : could work be made more enjoyable or free time more rewarding?
Don’t swallow everything your boss or the person you admire says – no one is always right. Questioning and criticizing things.
2. Accept the unknown
Fear is the biggest wall-building element you will encounter in your life. Fear keeps you in the same unprofitable relationship or job. Fear is the opposite of positive change and prevents new, evolving ideas that may lead to new, broader paths.
By fear, you will withhold your abilities and resources, and you may never achieve the things you dream of. Few things in life are certain, and this must be accepted. When you realize you can’t always be in control or over your neck, life becomes easier. Dare to go with the flow and make even those decisions that on a reasonable level may not sound great. Find the things you enjoy and do them without fear.
3. Get inspired by everything and everyone around you, even your enemies
Believe it or not, you learn best from situations where someone hurts or misbehaves towards you. You learn a lot about yourself in situations where someone disagrees. Keep talking, don’t get nervous and listen to what the other has to say.
When you come into contact with malevolent people, you become more and more aware of what kind of person you are and what you want to stay away from. This is how you move closer to the person you want to be.
Do your best in every situation and value every day. Be positive about adversity: you get furious and frustrated as long as you don’t get wrinkled in failures. Don’t whine about your mockings, mistakes, or fights.
When you accept your own mistakes, it will be easier for you to grow and move on to the next step in life. Life becomes very awkward if you fall asleep in the fire. Practice flexibility, positivity and trust that things will always be organized.
Life is a constant inspiration. If you are able to approach life with a positive attitude and strength of mind, your experience of the world will be much brighter than that of closed people. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, but encourage and incite yourself to live with an open heart and ready to receive even the most difficult experiences.