The Secret Of Happiness Is That You Have A Passion For What You Do

The secret to happiness is that you have a passion for what you do

Your quality of life doesn’t just depend on happiness. It also depends on what you do to be happy. If you don’t set goals to give purpose to your own existence, if you don’t use your mind to its full potential, good emotions will only fill a fraction of the potential you have.

After dedicating decades to studies that explored spaces where people reach their maximum potential, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi showed that  people are happier when they reach a state of high concentration. The state that this author calls “flow,” or “flow,”.

This state can be achieved when we experience such positive emotions as happiness, strength, or a positive attitude. Those known as “psychic negentropy”. Without wasting our thoughts on chewing and pitying ourselves, psychic energy can flow freely towards any thought or task we choose to invest in.

Negative emotions, on the other hand, such as sadness, fear, anxiety, or boredom produce  “mental entropy”. In other words, a space where we cannot effectively focus our attention on facing external tasks because we need it to restore our internal subjective order.

“Flow” mode plays an important role in people’s ability to be happy

In order to better understand the “flow”  state, it may be better to first analyze the completely opposite state. A state in which there is no order of any kind in consciousness, one in which thoughts appear and disappear on the whim of the moment. We cannot control them. It is a very unpleasant condition that is usually also associated with other types of problems such as insecurity, depression or anxiety. And if it repeats itself often, it can make people very unhappy.

girl in nature

The opposite of this is the “flowing” state where the mind flows, man feels completely alert and completely controls himself. You are carefree and you have a pleasant feeling that you are doing things right. Everything feels sensible and the problems you face feel like the exciting challenges you face with joy. We do not see them as a threat to our well-being or personal safety.

Various studies show that certain factors such as money play a relative role in our happiness. Money, for example, is important when we have a small amount of it. The same goes for food. It is very important when you are starving. But the more money we have, the less it affects our happiness. 

When it comes to the levels of purchasing power we enjoy in developed countries, there are other factors that define our happiness. Those that are much more important than money. Enjoying the “Flow” mode makes a person feel more confident about themselves, less anxious, and happier.

Happiness can be found on Mondays

Monday is usually the worst day of the week. It’s almost a curse word to many people because it means having to go back to work. But Csikszentmihalyi, a professor of neuroscience at Stanford University, has found a paradox. Work contributes more to achieving a “flow” state than leisure. And this state is comparable to happiness.

at breakfast

The key is that for many people, leisure is a waste of time and work is the complete opposite. Setting clear goals, the ability to manage them, and the feedback you get from them are key factors in achieving “Flow”. Flow mode is essentially just that. The ability to focus your mental energy and attention on the plans and goals you choose. Plus, the feeling that doing your job is worth it because you’ve chosen just such a life and enjoy every second of what you do.

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