There Is A Fighter Inside Every Happy Person

There is a fighter inside every happy person

There is a fighter inside every happy woman. And within every man who smiles at life, there is a constant struggle against the challenges of life and his own fears… For happiness is nothing but the key to which we stumble on our way. It’s an attitude of unyielding, it’s an attitude of doing work. Happiness is perseverance.

Life is not easy. We know that saying that sounds a little calm, but we can all agree that it is true.  And, in fact, a Greek representative of Stoic philosophy, called Epictetus, taught us a very essential thing about this around 130 BC. His teachings have a lot to say to us for the 21st century.

According to that philosopher, when we don’t have control over all things, we need to focus on the sides we can control. We should focus on the aspects we can work on: the thoughts that live in our minds.

Only when we are able to keep our negative thoughts in check can we find clarity, inner peace, and even freedom.

This idea should help us understand something really simple, something really thorough. When we meet someone who at first glance seems to have the key to happiness, we will realize that this is not something magical.

There is no magic wand for this. And those people have nothing we wouldn’t have. They have nothing we should envy.

There is a fighter inside every happy person. There is someone inside him who works every day to kill his restrictive attitude. This fighter also increases a person’s strength.

They are the people who break away from their comfort zone every day. They learn something new about every “bad thing” that happens to them. And despite all the inconvenience, they look at life hopefully…

glasses of a happy man

To be happy you need “a lot” (yes, a lot!)

If you’ve ever heard the classic saying about how you don’t need much to be happy in life, you should know they’re wrong. For, in fact, we need a lot to be happy.

More specifically, a lot of something we could call “internal work.” And such psychological, motivating, and psychic work doesn’t happen overnight.

Throughout our lives, we have been told that the accumulation of different things and relationships has something to do with happiness. But what if we did not live by this principle? We feel destroyed, helpless and unhappy.

Oliver Burkeman is one of today’s best-known self-help writers, in an effort to help us on our path to happiness. His focus is undoubtedly the most innovative, as well as the boldest in the publishing industry.

His book  The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can not Stand Positive Thinking (work not known to have translated) invites us to set the focus to Martin Seligman’s classical side. And he also has good reasons to do so…

Several self-help books urge us to develop our positives. They ask us to always make an effort to see the positive aspects of life. They always ask us to think of the best ways to make that “yellow brick road” appear in front of us.

Oliver Burkeman explains that such thoughts break down pretty quickly. And they can even prove to be negatively effective.

The current economic climate, combined with the uncertainty of the political environment, means that most of the time hope is not enough. Positive concentration is not enough.

a man hugs the earth

Burkeman’s work  suggests that we should first accept that life is tough. Bad things also happen to good people. Sometimes working on something does not bring positive results. This is problematic.

Being positive is a good thing. But the ability to deal with negative things is essential. We should be able to deal with failure – as well as continue from there in life. We should be able to accept losses –  and then face them. We should be able to understand that life is a constant change. Life is about being a fighter.

A happy person is a fighter: strategies

We already know at this point that we need “a lot” to be happy. We should be effective refiners of our negative thoughts, and skilled architects of realistic goals. No matter what life puts in your way, be a fighter…

Of course, no one has ever taught us how to do this. And we don’t learn these “mystical secrets” overnight.

But don’t give up. Next, we’ll give you some really helpful points that you should consider. They are simple strategies and approaches to life that we can adopt.

  • The world is as it is: it is changing, it is an indiscriminate and hard place to live. We have to accept that confusion and we must not hide from it. Don’t go where the fence is the lowest. Say NO to the lie  “no matter what I do, however, it has no hope.”
  • Don’t visualize yourself as a strong, courageous, and skillful hero. Build a flexible image of yourself, light but unbreakable. Like a bamboo that fights a strong wind every day and overcomes that wind. It overcomes even the toughest storms.
  • Instead of letting positivity fool you, create a new worldview where you can also accept negativity. That way, you may not be able to cope with those negatives, but at least you can learn from them.
stairs of a happy person

Lastly, here is a strategy for you that can help you feel overwhelmed and lost. Go for a walk. Physical training is extremely good when you feel trapped. It’s a simple, inexpensive, and affordable way to learn to be happy.

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