Think, Are You Going To Give Up Now?

Think, are you going to give up now?

Today is one of those days. You have fallen again. You have failed again. No matter how hard you try, you don’t seem to be able to conquer the top of the mountain where your dreams are located. You know that all things require effort, but you’re still starting to think it’s time to give up. Maybe it takes so much effort that it’s no longer worth it.

But then you start to remember all the steps you took on the way to your goal. You remember it all the effort, the struggle and the consistency. You think about everything you have learned, and a little quietly a smile begins to spread across your face. You knew this was difficult, and you also know that even though you haven’t reached the top of the mountain yet, you’ve conquered part of the road. Part of your life.

You are no longer the same person you were when you began conquering this mountain. Now you know your limits, and you also know what you are capable of. You know you have learned a lot and in different ways. Yes, you have suffered. But you have also been brave and happy. You have risked a lot and you have overcome several of your fears. And that’s when the question arises,  Are you really going to give up now?

the man at the top of the mountain did not give up

Who has said that starting again means failure?

Who has said that starting again means failure? Who has said that trying again would be supposedly madness? Probably someone who has given up several times in his life. Someone who fears failure again more than he has the courage to face that fear.  Someone who is therefore the last person on earth to give you advice. 

Trying again means dreaming again. It means that you are living the life you are looking for again. That means you’re trying to be the one you dream of being again. That’s why you have to try as many times as necessary. At least until your dreams change. Because only in this way, without giving up, will you be happy with yourself, for everything you have given. Don’t let anyone convince you that it would be better to surrender and choose it the easier way, without a struggle for happiness.

And thinking about something makes you happy, even if you don’t have that thing, you have to fight for it. For, after all, we forget that journey, and it doesn’t matter how many translations are in our way. Our memories mostly cling to the most beautiful moments. And achieving what you want the most will turn bad moments on your journey from rock to sand. A sand on which you can walk barefoot, remembering everything you have experienced.

marvelous ball

Deceiving yourself is a failure, trying again is a struggle

Try to get rid of the idea that making a mistake is a failure or that rejecting is undeniably a mistake. To betray our own values, on the other hand, would be a failure. It is more a matter of favoring conformism than opportunity, even though opportunities are needed. On the other hand, there is no failure to be careful. In fact, caution may be your strongest choice when opportunities are lost, or if the remaining opportunities require a high price. It is better to give in to a situation than to give in to life.

Resolutely trying again makes everything easier, because this time you are even wiser. You have removed all doubts from your shoulders and turned them into experiences that have provided you with a lot of information. The opinions and encouragements of others to surrender you are their opinions. They must not affect you. Start living according to what you feel.

And after a while you look behind you and say, “It’s over. I did it.” For I believe you can do it. For I know that you are stronger than others when you fight for what you want. And while you may still doubt, believe me, you will be able to do it. And I also know it’s no coincidence that you’re reading this now. You read this because you are really close to reaching that peak. Keep going a little further, you’re almost there. Trust yourself.

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