Uncertainty As A Poison Of Human Relationships
When talking about poisoned relationships, the first thing that comes to mind may be problems in controlling a person’s own emotional states. Interpersonal relationships can be poisoned in all social interactions with friends and family.
Uncertainty is most detrimental to close relationships, such as relationships with friends and family. These relationships are seduced and drawn into, but they can also be chained. The poisoned and acidic atmosphere between people can wade so that it can be extremely difficult to get out of it.
While one might think something quite the opposite, toxic people have low self-esteem, which in turn leads to unstable and short-lived relationships.
Toxic people are masters at covering up their insecurities by means of manipulation, intrigue, and blame. They don’t consider themselves good enough. Toxic people take advantage of other people to feel more secure simply because they are unable to deal with the surge of insecurity within them.
A relationship with a toxic person can also cause paranoia-like emotional states and social isolation. On the other hand, it can also feed compensatory and nasty behavioral side effects such as arrogance, narcissism, and aggression.
Why do uncertainty and jealousy go hand in hand?
Jealousy is taken to extremes, even a morbid attempt to connect with other people. An unreasonably jealous or jealous person wants to own another person entirely for himself, but does not consider himself worthy of the other person.
Jealousy speaks of uncertainty and lack of healthy self-love. Therefore, you should try to protect yourself when you notice that there is at least one of the two in the atmosphere. Jealousy also tends to intensify as a result of low self-esteem.
From time to time, jealous and suspicious people fall into the power of cycles of negative thoughts and feelings. These even make them believe they are absolutely right. Therefore, they get stuck in the middle ground between a sense of inferiority and narcissism. The people around them should then keep their assets, as this is an explosive combination.
This is also one of the reasons why insecure individuals grow strong armor for themselves when they are jealous. Deep down, they hide the immense sense of emptiness created by uncertainty and fear.
For this reason, they have an compulsive need to always tell their partner how much they love this. They even use persuasion and manipulation as their means to control their partner. It’s their way of maintaining a relationship. Unfortunately, their deep-rooted sense of inferiority makes all this useless. However, the sense of certainty they have gained through these means about this relationship is usually not enough for them.
An insecure person projects his uncertainty into others
We should be careful how we connect with insecure people. This advice applies to both romantic relationships and the relationship between friends and family.
We may find ourselves in a situation where we are beginning to question our own actions and actions. In that context, it is important to be aware of who the people around us really are and how they affect us. In these situations, we also have to analyze our own feelings deeper than the surface.
If we are suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of uncertainty, even though it has never appeared before, we should be on our guard. Namely, it is possible for some insecure person near us to project their own sense of insecurity on us in order to feel more secure.
Insecure individuals may be real experts in how they manage to sow the seed of uncertainty for others as a kind of means of control. To that end, they take advantage of three nasty means of influence: manipulation, conspiracy, and blame.
Insecure people tend to control too much of the other people around them: their partners, friends, and family. As a result, they feel too much responsibility for everything that happens to these people. This causes them to always be very vigilant and follow closely every single turn and detail in the lives of their loved ones.
Uncertainty causes many kinds of harm to relationships. Sometimes an insecure person has only one way to deal with the insecurity they feel about themselves. It happens by making the other people around them unhappy.