We Can’t Change Our Possibilities, But We Can Change Our Attitude

We cannot change our possibilities, but we can change our attitude

It is said that some opportunities only happen once in a lifetime, but how do we know which ones are worth taking? We cannot take every opportunity that comes our way.

Many people work hard for stability. They want a stable job and a reliable car. And yet they focus on what they lack. They are forever dissatisfied, just as if they could have gotten more.

They face the eternal dilemma of choosing to fight for the life they want, or to stay in the same safe and stable life. Then they constantly complain that “this is not what I had dreamed of.” They may start each day with light steps, but at the end of the day, frustration will take over from them.

The philosopher Jose Ortega y Casset warned us of the danger of specialization in his book  The Rebellion of the Masses. Women and men are particularly qualified in certain areas, but they are unable to see how their qualifications fit into the rest of the world.

This is what happens to all of us. How often have we felt paralyzed by too many opportunities? The fear of leaving the comfort zone for something that might just be better for us paralyzes us.

Sometimes we just have to take that only opportunity before us and forget our fears. And when sometimes the opportunities run out, our best option becomes clear to us: we have to live life as it is.

Differences in submission and acceptance

If we want a better attitude, we must first ask ourselves one important question:  What is the difference between submission and acceptance? At first, they may seem like the same things, but in reality they have as much to do as water has to do with oil.

Acceptance is the first step toward change. It means putting a mark where we are on the map, like it or not.

girl in a grain field

Acceptance is also the first step towards adaptation when we have no way of changing the situation. In this sense, it has to do with accepting our past.

For example, for a person who has lost a leg in an accident, for him or her acceptance is a really big step towards adapting and making the necessary changes in his or her life. It also reflects a big step forward when it comes to accepting our own past as part of ourselves.

Submission, on the other hand, is associated with frustration and hopelessness. This frustration usually translates into an inability to move. We are starting to feel like we don’t have any ways to change our lives, so we have to be content with the life we ​​live – even if we hate it.

And so we try to find thousands of different ways to get out of a bad situation, but none of our possibilities seem perfect. We submit to our own destiny. We almost even want to suffer, just so we can complain.

Maybe then, when we reach the limits of our suffering, we have no choice but to accept one of those possibilities, even if it is not ideal. Of course, for a person who has lost his leg, his ideal option would be to get it back. Unfortunately it is not possible.

When all the ideal opportunities are exhausted, we will see our best option: a change of attitude. We need to re-evaluate our options, knowing that none of them are perfect. If any option eliminates our pain, it’s worth considering, even if it doesn’t seem perfect.

If we are completely exhausted and our motivation is exhausted, we will not be able to see any path we could follow. Change requires effort, and we need daily motivation to make that business possible.

Our efforts usually have some reward, but when we are dealing with something unknown, it may not motivate us enough.

Maybe we need to lower our expectations a little. We need to create a simpler, honest plan that will make our path easier. Reality may not be compatible with the expectations set by our imagination, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a good thing.

Don’t focus on what doesn’t exist

I know countless people who chose an unpredictable path for themselves, and now they are happy. They enjoy their situation, they accept temporary changes, and they don’t care about the negative things that others say. And on top of all that, negative remarks usually come from the mouths of people who like to judge others.

Those brave people have made sweet lemon juice from the lemons that life has to offer. They take care of themselves. They take the reins of their lives and they enjoy the small moments of enjoyment that life has to offer.

time cannot change our possibilities

Only a really thin line separates the pursuit of a better life and the eternal appeal from the life we ​​already live. And while it’s really thin, it’s also really important.

There is no work, home, or relationship that is worthless in itself. Our attitudes and actions make them worthless. In our pursuit of perfection, we see everything we own less than what it is. We become bitter.

Fortunately, some of us have learned the importance of the moment we make ourselves a cup of coffee in the morning. How important it is to live in the moment while creating our future.

They didn’t have a single perfect opportunity, so they did their best from the opportunities they had, and they adopted a more positive attitude to themselves. They chose an attitude of living – not an attitude of survival.

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