Yesterday I Was Everything I Can Be; Today I Am What I Want To Be

Yesterday I was all I can be;  today i am what i want to be

Until recently, many of us were what we can be, or what others allow us to be. Nevertheless, over time, the heart ignites and the eyes become bold. Fears have been left behind, for today, at last, we are everything we want to be. No restrictions, no reservations, and no fear of what they have to say.

Achieving this is not always easy. It’s the result of a trip we didn’t buy the right tickets for. Personal insight is not achieved in years, just like the first gray hair or the first wrinkles. Achieving fulfillment, a sense of well-being, and inner balance is not the norm. Nor is it like a program that we can install in our brains in the same way we download new programs to our phones.

On the other hand, here is something strange. There are times when we walk through a restaurant and hear conversations from others. There is one sentence that we hear repeated almost always. It’s like a guiding idea, a kind of crying, almost even a complaint: “I just want to be happy.”

There is a small amount of despair in this sentence, and plenty of hope. It’s as if many of us feel some sort of detachment from ourselves, as if we’ve drowned in a reality we don’t identify with. To a reality that does not belong to us, for it simply does not bring us happiness.

We recommend that you consider that. We urge you to make changes to build a new, more satisfying reality.

The secret to a more perfect life begins today

For several years now, research on happiness has focused on explaining how we could be happier. In fact, today there is not even a shortage of books that focus on the same topic: the goal of happiness. But  happiness should not be a goal, but a result, a reference to all our actions during the day. Of the deeds that make life worth living.

For example, Alastair Humphreys is a person we can define as an “adventurer.” She is a writer and motivational coach working for National Geographic , and in 2012 she posed a small challenge to the magazine’s readers. He wanted to show his followers how to develop spiritual growth,  starting to be the people they really wanted to be, instead of being something others wish they were.

To achieve this, he began by practicing them with something called “micro-adventure.” It was a direct call to find their inner balance in the face of daily challenges. The way to achieve this could not be simpler. He suggested the following:

two hands on a flower

Daily search for pleasure, knowledge and freedom

The secret to a fuller life may begin today, but to do so we need  two basic ingredients: constant compromise and creativity. In this way, our micro-adventure creates new thoughts, new feelings and better well-being day by day.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Change your route to work. If you normally use a car, this time use the bus and observe the city and the people. If you normally use the bus, stay at the previous stop and continue the rest of the journey on foot. Enjoy every moment, enjoy what you feel, what you see and what is around you.
  • Eat in the park, leave your normal circle of friends every now and then, and meet new people.
  • Break your routine, dare to get lost in your own city, force yourself to see something different.
  • Wake up earlier and meditate. Think about what you want to achieve today and decide what things you don’t want to include in your day.
  • Force yourself to try something new every day: a new sport, a new book, a new hobby, a new friend, a new hairstyle, new ideas and a new attitude…

By putting those “micro-adventures” into practice in our daily lives, they begin to produce small changes, little by little, into something new. Thus, we will realize that  true happiness is part of development, not the unattainable goal we see on the horizon. It demolishes walls, obstacles, and the restrictive attitudes we have. It allows our true selves to dive forth.

What I was yesterday, and what I am at the moment

There are people who are proud that they have never changed. They are proud to always have the same train of thought, the same attitudes, the same scents. We have to be careful with personalities like that, because  being human, whether we like it or not, we have a duty to move forward as human beings. We have a duty to grow, to be flexible, and to adapt to this complex reality.  We have a duty to  build happiness that is right and satisfying.

woman diving

It’s not dramatic that you’re no longer the same person you were yesterday. For despite the pitfalls, deceptions, and losses, something new has been born. Something much more beautiful, brighter, and no doubt something stronger. What we are today is not just the result of our past, for within us we hide hope for the future and the joy of enjoying this day by being ourselves.

That is, we understand that happiness is a process, not the main goal. We learn that TODAY is the best day to make decisions, defend ourselves, and overcome the obstacles posed by our fears in a way. These will help us achieve everything we really deserve.

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